This was our second time at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Chicago. The first, was for the big brother of soon-to-be baptized baby boy.
“I was married here. My two kids were baptized here. And now my two grandkids.”
We arrived quite a bit early to make sure we did not get caught in "construction season" traffic. In doing so, we were able to chat with the happy grandmother patiently waiting for her family and close friends to arrive.
She said, "I was married here. My two kids were baptized here. And now my two grandkids."
We had no idea.
It is little things like this that bring life and meaning to what we do. We think we are photographing a baptism. But really, we are photographing the journey of a family. A story of a family that immigrated here, established its roots and with every step along the way, is crafting their history ever so slightly.
It was a beautiful day.